The body in time and place

Through symbolic action Becky Bowley’s work evokes the relationship between the body and time through the medium of traditional making and the movement of the body within a place. Her interest lies in poetical dialogues between the memory and imagination of human feeling and experiences becoming an embodiment of dream, myth and the ineffable. Materials are composed as symbols of the elements that resonate with impermanence and hint at transformation - to move the body within time and space “To cross a territory, to walk, to open a path, to recognise a place, to comprehend symbolic values, to invent a geography”5.


"Becky was an insightful and committed Director with personal investment in the organisation" 
 Bloc  Projects 

" Inspiring, made me feel at home and easy, skillful input and insightful, confidence building and a pleasure..." 
Liz Hall This New Land She Has Reached

Watch Here

Liz Hall

I Direct from various sites including contemporary art galleries and my home studio -input is devised independence on the needs of the artist(s), the site and the project.

I am very involved in the artists process. It can be intense, but held with enough lightness and sensitivity for the commitment needed from everyone involved.

Meetings and workshops tend to be very intimate, but non-intrusive.

Teaching -

To view examples of  teaching workshops please follow the links below.

view example documentation of teaching here - Louise

view example here - Steven
